Rome radiotaxi clauses, illegal for the Council of State

The appeal sentence also arrives, as already happened in June regarding the Milanese radio taxis. We are talking about the 7991/2020 sentence of 14 December 2020. Principle that was set by the Antitrust on the recommendation of Free Now. This celebrates, while waiting for the response of the radio taxis of the capital.

Radio taxi clauses: no to restrictions. The issue of contention is simple. The radio taxis of Rome had precluded their subscribers from using independent and open digital applications, such as Free Now. They said: taxi drivers only with us, and not even with external apps.

So now, even if they are registered with the radio taxi, taxi drivers who wish can also work with any external application. In favour of free competition, as well as to offer taxi drivers valid tools to do their job better. No to anti-competitive clauses, to the detriment of the quality of services and innovation, for the sole purpose of maintaining position income.

The Lazio TAR's judgment on radio taxis has been overturned. Instead, the Lazio TAR had agreed with radio taxis. Cancelling the decision of the Guarantor. the Council of State supports the entrepreneurial freedom of Roman taxi drivers. And it recognizes the benefits of coexistence between traditional systems and innovative technological systems for procuring taxi rides. For taxi drivers and passengers. But what do the Roman radio taxis think? Their declaration is awaited.

Of course, the coexistence between old tools such as telephone and taxi cooperatives, with new tools such as apps and alternative mobility (not least Uber), becomes increasingly difficult in the absence of clear rules. We need a single standard, Italian or European.