Ischia Port

Taxi fare

Start ride weekdays

from 7 am to 10 pm


Taxi meter unit

every 100 metres


Taxi meter unit

Every 60 seconds stop


Minimun ride fare

day and night


Extra charges






more than cm. 50x70


Travelers more than four


For tour of the island

surcharge of


For rides out of town

surcharge of


Fixed fare from Municipality of Ischia port to:

Casamicciola porto


Casamicciola alta


Lacco ameno centro


Lacco ameno fango


Forio San Francesco


Forio porto


Forio Citara


Forio Panza


Serrara (via Barano)


Fontana (via Barano)


Barano (Buonopane)


Barano Centro


Barano (Maronti)


Barano (Fiaiano)




Fixed fare

Fixed fare in the territorial

of the Municipality


Tour of Island

durata 3 ore con soste


Tour of the island (duration 3 hours with stops) The amounts are per ride including a holiday supplement, baggage, animals, and return. Surcharge of € 3.00 per night (from 2am to 07am) For info and complaints: 081/981070 - 081/984177 | Via Iasolino, 57 former Palazzo D'Ambra